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Theme UI


To add groups of styles based on theme values, you can take advantage of the Variants feature. Variants allow you to define the styles used across multiple buttons, typographic elements, or any element in your theme object.

For example, you can define primary and secondary variants for buttons and use colors from the theme.

// example theme with variants
colors: {
primary: '#07c',
secondary: '#639',
buttons: {
primary: {
color: 'white',
bg: 'primary',
secondary: {
color: 'white',
bg: 'secondary',

With the theme object above, the buttons variants can be referenced by any tag through the sx prop. Inside sx, the variant should begin with a top-level key from the theme, then use dot notation to access nested objects.

<button sx={{ variant: 'buttons.primary' }} />

When using the built-in components, you can use the variant prop directly on components, instead of inside the sx object.

Most components have their own variant group (“variant group” being a top-level theme key, e.g. the Button component uses buttons), and some also have a default variant they’ll utilize from that variant group (e.g. Button defaults to using primary).

This means using <Button /> without specifying a variant has the same result as the snippet above, since the default variant name (primary) matches a variant name inside the buttons group. If you want a different variant from the same group, you can give its key without specifying the group:

<Button variant="secondary" />

You can also use variants outside of a component’s default variant group with dot notation. This is especially useful for combining layout components without further nesting your DOM, such as adding container styles to a grid or flexbox. By using the Grid component here with a variant, you’re able to use Grid’s props combined with the variant styles.

<Grid variant="layouts.container" columns={3} gap={3} />

Color Modes

Variants will also work with color modes. With the example below, the primary button will adapt its colors based on the current color mode.

// example theme with button variants and color modes
colors: {
text: '#000',
background: '#fff',
primary: '#0c7',
modes: {
dark: {
text: '#000',
background: '#fff',
primary: '#0c7',
buttons: {
primary: {
color: 'background', // use the page background color for an inverted effect
bg: 'primary',


Variants can also be used to create typographic styles, similar to how graphics applications store text styles. This allows you to define core typographic values and use them as complete styles, but still override individual values when needed.

// example theme with typographic variants
fonts: {
body: 'system-ui, sans-serif',
heading: 'Poppins, sans-serif',
monospace: 'Menlo, monospace',
lineHeights: {
body: 1.5,
heading: 1.125,
fontWeights: {
body: 400,
heading: 900,
bold: 700,
letterSpacings: {
heading: '-0.05em',
caps: '0.1em',
text: {
heading: {
fontFamily: 'heading',
fontWeight: 'heading',
lineHeight: 'heading',
letterSpacing: 'heading',
display: {
fontFamily: 'heading',
fontWeight: 'heading',
lineHeight: 'heading',
letterSpacing: 'heading',
fontSize: [ 5, 6, 7 ],
caps: {
textTransform: 'uppercase',
letterSpacing: 'caps',

These variants can then be used in the theme.styles object, with the sx prop, or with the Text or Heading components.

// example usage of typographic variants
<h1 sx={{ variant: 'text.display' }} />
<p sx={{ variant: 'text.caps' }} />
variant: 'text.heading',
// overriding the default styles
fontWeight: 'body',

styles variants

Variants inside the styles object, while usable through the same mechanisms as regular variants, are also used for other Theme UI APIs.

Themeable layout components

Variants can also be used to create themeable layout components. This is especially useful when creating Gatsby themes, where you'd like certain parts of your page layout to be customizable.

Using the variant key in the sx prop allows you to define styles for a component that can optionally be overridden from the theme object. When the variant is undefined in the theme, no additional styles are applied to the element.

Read the Layouts Guide to learn more.

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